This week. The more I fight it the harder it is to survive. It is final exam week and the students are stressed. The teachers are stressed. Most will pass but a few will fail.
This season also feels like quicksand. Before I knew it, I stepped into it and got stuck. But it's okay because I'd like to be stuck in a season where my Lord's name is associated with a major holiday, even if it is not politically correct to say it or truly celebrate the season the way it should be. If you don't know me, or don't know me well, I am not politically correct. Sometimes I say exactly what I am thinking without the filter I remind my students they need to engage. Don't tell them, but sometimes it is okay to speak without a filter!
To be honest, I'm having trouble getting into the decoration this year. Now that my son is home from college, maybe I'll feel like making it more festive. The boxes are out - and still neatly packed. The tree is up with lights but no decorations - and really, truly, I just like it plain with lights. It is simple and uncluttered and soothing.
So I shall contemplate and not fight it. Because fighting it makes it harder - like quicksand.