If you know me, you know I am not a spontaneous person.
I do not enjoy travelling somewhere without a reservation. I like knowing where my head will rest at night. So backpacking through Europe and looking for a hostel to sleep in would have been a big NO in my youth and a definite NO now. But if you'd like to go to Europe and need a companion to travel with, hit me up. I love Europe - in a hotel with a breakfast bar and an espresso machine.
Instead, maybe I should call this post "following the prompting of the Holy Spirit."
A week or so ago (honestly, I don't remember), I was looking for some devotional material for Advent (it starts tomorrow - YAY!). Now, I do this frequently - start something great, procrastinate, quit. Sound familiar? Did I make you uncomfortable? Yes? Good. I'm a teacher - it's my job to make you squirm. HAHA.
Except I'm pointing the finger at me.
So I thought - I need a group to hold me accountable. So I did a little poll of my church friends on facebook and got enough of a response to start a private facebook group so we could do a devotional study together with me as facilitator. Then people started inviting other people. People I don't know... and lot of them. I cringed a little inside. What had I done? What had I gotten myself into?
Then God spoke to my heart. "You are doing exactly what you and these people need." Big, deep breath. I have been working as Discipleship chair at my church, trying to get people to come together to study, pray and commune together. So, why was this different? It's not. Except it's me, and as a leader, I am not only accountable to myself, I am accountable to everyone in this group.
My son and I are wired a lot the same in this respect. The sentence, "So, I just did a thing" means "I did something spontaneous and I'm uncomfortable about it, but proud." So... I just did a thing. No - that's not right. God just did a thing in me, and I didn't procrastinate or try to delegate it to someone else, and I hope I make Him proud.