Friday, October 3, 2008

October is beautiful

I just love the autumn season. Some of my favorite events happen in autumn, my birthday, my sister's birthday, and many other family birthdays. Oh and Thanksgiving!! This is my favorite family event by far. I reconnect with family on that day and we feast and fellowship and tell tales. We laugh, but don't cry ever, and hugging is only done when necessary - which is seldom. But we are good with that - it's how we are as a family. I absolutely cannot wait for Thanksgiving.

Okay news I know you've been waiting for: On August 9th, I joined Weight Watchers online. It was just time to take care of myself and my weight was/is getting out of control. Online suits me because I hate meetings. HATE THEM. It is working incredibly well for me. In 8 weeks I have lost 16-17 pounds. Tomorrow I will know officially because I weigh on Saturdays.

My goal is to have a minimum of 85 pounds off by New Year's Day 2010. It is certainly achievable. So be looking for some progress pictures. My daughter the photographer will be shooting my scary body every two months or so. So Saturday is 8 weeks and I guess a photo shoot is in order. We will be using a pair of jeans that I will keep forever.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Robin Lambright said...

stumbles across this blog today and thought you might be interested in checkng it out.