Saturday, November 1, 2008


Oh a have a cold, darn it. And I saw Wicked last night. Oh, yeah, baby. It was fabulous - even my 12 year old DS loved it. And DH loved it, too.

Well I promised pictures of the weight loss project today, but the nose is so red it will be like a beacon in any picture, so I'm going to wait until next week, when hopefully I will have reached the 25 pound mark - only 0.8 to go. I've been on WW for 12 weeks and only one of those weeks I had a gain, so I'm pretty happy. Hormones are really crazy things and make you gain even when you've been good.

So I'm going to work on my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow and hopefully I won't drip on it. Eww.


Mezzo Forte said...

LURVED wicked!! Isn't it just the most clever little plot!!!?

YAY! I hate-cha which you know is a good thing cuz it means you keep gettin skinny!

Robin Lambright said...

I just am getting over my cold, their the worst. I hope you feel better soon you skinny thng you!!!!!