Sunday, August 21, 2011

Prayer for my daughter

As many of you know, my only daughter is heading to college tomorrow.  She keeps being told, "you know your parents are going to miss you."  We are pretty sure she knows that so we don't need to belabor that point.  (FYI.  belabor is my word of the week).  It is an understood thing.  But missing her and her missing us confirms that we have a great relationship as parents and child and it is something we are proud of.  But as I think of this day, I have other thoughts and I thought I'd like my raving fans (all two of you) in on them in the form of a prayer.


I am grateful to you for this beautiful child you have given me and DH.  She has grown into a beautiful and mature young woman, and I hope we have done as You wished in raising her.

She does, however, have some qualities we could have skipped but could have been skipped in us as well... my messiness and short-temper, her father's love for exceedingly bad corny jokes, the foot shake (arg) and I could go on but in all honesty, they are part of who she is, and I just wouldn't change anything about her.

How could we know this perfect baby with intensely blue eyes would become a gifted musician?  A trusted mentor?  A beloved sister?  How could we know she could be a woman after Your own heart and strive with everything in her to live a life that is righteous and pleasing in your sight?  I am humbled beyond words at the privilege of raising this woman.

So, Lord, as she makes her first steps away, I pray she continues to seek Your will in her life.  I pray she finds friends who will make a midnight run to Waffle House when her heart is broken, share their chocolate when hers is gone, and enjoy her weird sense of humor (Did you know she has a collection of blonde jokes?) I pray Your presence in her life is evident to everyone she comes in contact with.  I pray she finds a love like the one her daddy has for me - true, unconditional, sacrificial love.

Thank you Lord for my girl.  Protect her when she is away from us and help her find her direction in this earthly life.

A grateful mom


Leah said...

I love you

Sarah said...

I just went back and read this again today. And I still mean every word.